— Social Platform


Overview  —

Navigation Bar

A sidebar to simplify the navigation through the different features, options, and content for brands and influencers.

Navigation Bar

New Features

The dashboard where users can have an overview of their activity is one of the new features added to the platform.


Responsive Design

Desktop and mobile screens were designed in parallel to create useful features in the mobile version.

Responsive Design

Project goal

Based on the client’s demands, the main tasks were to redesign the interface of the existing platform, improve the navigation, and curate the content in order to create a new experience for the user.

—   Skip the Design Process

Design Process  —

Content analysis

A quick content analysis to have an overview of the client’s needs for the overall new design. Once that was cleared, start analyzing the existing platform to improve the navigation based on the original and new content.

Content analysis

Navigation analysis

Visualizing the original platform as information architecture helped me to analyze the navigation and the content logic. By analyzing the user flow I was able to identify some navigation problems and unnecessary screens that could be merged inside other screens in the new navigation.

Original navigation

Heuristic Evaluations

As a visual interface analysis, I gathered specific tasks to analyze the visual language of the platform. While completing these tasks I evaluated how the user could react, what could simplify his navigation and enhance his overall experienced. Based on this evaluation, a lot of new features and changes were added to the client’s original demands.

Heuristic Evaluations

New Information Architecture

The new information architecture was based on the new elements the client wanted for the platform, along with the features I gathered from the Heuristic Evaluations. This analysis simplified the navigation path and the number of screens needed. This visualization allowed me to adjust titles and screen names to create consistency in the platform.

New Information Architecture


Once the navigation and the screens were defined, I started the design iterations to create a screenflow that could work as an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Based on this MVP, the client started to give feedback until he was satisfied with the outcome.


Design validation

It is important to highlight that throughout the design iteration process I worked along with the development team. This collaboration aimed to conceive a final product that could be designed and implemented in a time range previously defined by the client.

Final Result  —

Final Design

The GravityFed platform was redesigned and improved with new features and new screens intended to simplify the usability for influencers and brands.

Navigation, redefined.

As a main focus and challenge for this project, the navigation was completely redesigned for both user journeys to improve the user experience and complement the features created to simplify the platform use.


Interface, redesigned.

To improve the visual interface and give a modern and trendy look, some interface elements were designed according to the clients demands. These are some interface highlights from the Brand and Influencer platform.



Final thoughts

This was my first project as a freelancer, with specific deadlines and in collaboration with a developer team. Having a short time to develop the project allowed me to understand which were the key steps for a usability analysis to create a meaningful outcome. Working along with the developers also allowed me to learn how to create a design solution that simplifies their workflow to create a functional good-looking product.

Client & Company

KapiSharp — 2018